產品介紹 > KUDO 15 手搖式升降梯
KUDO使用說明書(User Guide)
輕輕放下支腳,用插銷插入鎖住,並調整支撐腳。 Gently put down the supporting legs, insert the pin to lock after adjustment.
把工作平台之安全欄杆立正,調整水平點,並用插銷插入鎖住。 Flips the platform and then locked with the latch.
用手搖器把平台調整到適合的工作高度,並用保險銷插入確保平台安全穩固。 Rotate to adjust the platform to a suitable height and locked with the pin to secure in position.
操作人員站立於平台後,必須將圍板翻起,插上插鎖並將中鏈條與吊環勾鎖住。 After approaching onto the platform, operator must flip up the barricade and insert the latch to lock, and then secure the chain with the shackle lock.
Line : @529xcwub
FB: Kudo 台灣
Line: @529xcwub